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1   /**
2    * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
3    * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
4    * You may obtain a copy of the License at
5    * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
6    * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the
7    * specific language governing rights and limitations under the License.
8    *
9    * The Original Code is "".  Description:
10   * "Example Code"
11   *
12   * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is University Health Network. Copyright (C)
13   * 2001.  All Rights Reserved.
14   *
15   * Contributor(s): James Agnew
16   *
17   * Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of the
18   * GNU General Public License (the  �GPL�), in which case the provisions of the GPL are
19   * applicable instead of those above.  If you wish to allow use of your version of this
20   * file only under the terms of the GPL and not to allow others to use your version
21   * of this file under the MPL, indicate your decision by deleting  the provisions above
22   * and replace  them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL License.
23   * If you do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version of
24   * this file under either the MPL or the GPL.
25   *
26   */
27  package ca.uhn.hl7v2.examples;
29  import java.util.Map;
31  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.DefaultHapiContext;
32  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.HapiContext;
33  import*;
34  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.model.Message;
35  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.parser.Parser;
36  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.protocol.ReceivingApplication;
37  import ca.uhn.hl7v2.protocol.ReceivingApplicationExceptionHandler;
39  /**
40   * Example code
41   * 
42   * @author James Agnew
43   * @author Christian Ohr
44   * @version $Revision: 1.2 $ updated on $Date: 2010-09-06 17:29:21 $ by $Author:
45   *          jamesagnew $
46   */
47  public class SendAndReceiveAMessage {
49     /**
50      * Example for how to send messages out
51      */
52     public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
54        /*
55         * Before we can send, let's create a server to listen for incoming
56         * messages. The following section of code establishes a server listening
57         * on port 1011 for new connections.
58         */
59        int port = 1011; // The port to listen on
60        boolean useTls = false; // Should we use TLS/SSL?
61        HapiContext context = new DefaultHapiContext();
62        HL7Service server = context.newServer(port, useTls);
64        /*
65         * The server may have any number of "application" objects registered to
66         * handle messages. We are going to create an application to listen to
67         * ADT^A01 messages.
68         * 
69         * You might want to look at the source of ExampleReceiverApplication
70         * (it's a nested class below) to see how it works.
71         */
72        ReceivingApplication<Message> handler = new ExampleReceiverApplication();
73        server.registerApplication("ADT", "A01", handler);
75        /*
76         * We are going to register the same application to handle ADT^A02
77         * messages. Of course, we coud just as easily have specified a different
78         * handler.
79         */
80        server.registerApplication("ADT", "A02", handler);
82        /*
83         * Another option would be to specify a single application to handle all
84         * messages, like this:
85         * 
86         * server.registerApplication("*", "*", handler);
87         */
89        /*
90         * If you want to be notified any time a new connection comes in or is
91         * lost, you might also want to register a connection listener (see the
92         * bottom of this class to see what the listener looks like). It's fine
93         * to skip this step.
94         */
95        server.registerConnectionListener(new MyConnectionListener());
97        /*
98         * If you want to be notified any processing failures when receiving,
99         * processing, or responding to messages with the server, you can 
100        * also register an exception handler. (See the bottom of this class
101        * to see what the listener looks like. ) It's also fine to skip this
102        * step, in which case exceptions will simply be logged. 
103        */
104       server.setExceptionHandler(new MyExceptionHandler());
106       // Start the server listening for messages
107       server.startAndWait();
109       /*
110        * Note: if you don't want to wait for the server to initialize itself, it
111        * can start in the background:
112        */
114       // server.start();
116       /*
117        * All of the code above created a listening server, which waits for
118        * connections to come in and then handles any messages that arrive on
119        * those connections.
120        * 
121        * Now, the code below creates a client, which will connect to our waiting
122        * server and send messages to it.
123        */
125       // Create a message to send
126       String msg = "MSH|^~\\&|HIS|RIH|EKG|EKG|199904140038||ADT^A01|12345|P|2.2\r"
127             + "PID|0001|00009874|00001122|A00977|SMITH^JOHN^M|MOM|19581119|F|NOTREAL^LINDA^M|C|564 SPRING ST^^NEEDHAM^MA^02494^US|0002|(818)565-1551|(425)828-3344|E|S|C|0000444444|252-00-4414||||SA|||SA||||NONE|V1|0001|I|D.ER^50A^M110^01|ER|P00055|11B^M011^02|070615^BATMAN^GEORGE^L|555888^NOTREAL^BOB^K^DR^MD|777889^NOTREAL^SAM^T^DR^MD^PHD|ER|D.WT^1A^M010^01|||ER|AMB|02|070615^NOTREAL^BILL^L|ER|000001916994|D||||||||||||||||GDD|WA|NORM|02|O|02|E.IN^02D^M090^01|E.IN^01D^M080^01|199904072124|199904101200|199904101200||||5555112333|||666097^NOTREAL^MANNY^P\r"
128             + "NK1|0222555|NOTREAL^JAMES^R|FA|STREET^OTHER STREET^CITY^ST^55566|(222)111-3333|(888)999-0000|||||||ORGANIZATION\r"
129             + "PV1|0001|I|D.ER^1F^M950^01|ER|P000998|11B^M011^02|070615^BATMAN^GEORGE^L|555888^OKNEL^BOB^K^DR^MD|777889^NOTREAL^SAM^T^DR^MD^PHD|ER|D.WT^1A^M010^01|||ER|AMB|02|070615^VOICE^BILL^L|ER|000001916994|D||||||||||||||||GDD|WA|NORM|02|O|02|E.IN^02D^M090^01|E.IN^01D^M080^01|199904072124|199904101200|||||5555112333|||666097^DNOTREAL^MANNY^P\r"
130             + "PV2|||0112^TESTING|55555^PATIENT IS NORMAL|NONE|||19990225|19990226|1|1|TESTING|555888^NOTREAL^BOB^K^DR^MD||||||||||PROD^003^099|02|ER||NONE|19990225|19990223|19990316|NONE\r"
131             + "AL1||SEV|001^POLLEN\r"
132             + "GT1||0222PL|NOTREAL^BOB^B||STREET^OTHER STREET^CITY^ST^77787|(444)999-3333|(222)777-5555||||MO|111-33-5555||||NOTREAL GILL N|STREET^OTHER STREET^CITY^ST^99999|(111)222-3333\r"
133             + "IN1||022254P|4558PD|BLUE CROSS|STREET^OTHER STREET^CITY^ST^00990||(333)333-6666||221K|LENIX|||19980515|19990515|||PATIENT01 TEST D||||||||||||||||||02LL|022LP554";
134       Parser p = context.getPipeParser();
135       Message adt = p.parse(msg);
137       // Remember, we created our HAPI Context above like so:
138       // HapiContext context = new DefaultHapiContext();
140       // A connection object represents a socket attached to an HL7 server
141       Connection connection = context.newClient("localhost", port, useTls);
143       // The initiator is used to transmit unsolicited messages
144       Initiator initiator = connection.getInitiator();
145       Message response = initiator.sendAndReceive(adt);
147       String responseString = p.encode(response);
148       System.out.println("Received response:\n" + responseString);
150       /*
151        * MSH|^~\&|||||20070218200627.515-0500||ACK|54|P|2.2 MSA|AA|12345
152        */
154       /*
155        * If you want to send another message to the same destination, it's fine
156        * to ask the context again for a client to attach to the same host/port.
157        * The context will be smart about it and return the same (already
158        * connected) client Connection instance, assuming it hasn't been closed.
159        */
160       connection = context.newClient("localhost", port, useTls);
161       initiator = connection.getInitiator();
162       response = initiator.sendAndReceive(adt);
164       /*
165        * Close the connection when you are done with it. If you are designing a
166        * system which will continuously send out messages, you may want to
167        * consider not closing the connection until you have no more messages to
168        * send out. This is more efficient, as most (if not all) HL7 receiving
169        * applications are capable of receiving lots of messages in a row over
170        * the same connection, even with a long delay between messages.
171        * 
172        * See
173        * 
174        * for an example of this.
175        */
176       connection.close();
178       // Stop the receiving server and client
179       server.stopAndWait();
181    }
183    /**
184     * Connection listener which is notified whenever a new
185     * connection comes in or is lost
186     */
187    public static class MyConnectionListener implements ConnectionListener {
189       public void connectionReceived(Connection theC) {
190          System.out.println("New connection received: " + theC.getRemoteAddress().toString());
191       }
193       public void connectionDiscarded(Connection theC) {
194          System.out.println("Lost connection from: " + theC.getRemoteAddress().toString());
195       }
197    }
199    /**
200     * Exception handler which is notified any time
201     */
202    public static class MyExceptionHandler implements ReceivingApplicationExceptionHandler {
204       /**
205        * Process an exception.
206        * 
207        * @param theIncomingMessage
208        *            the incoming message. This is the raw message which was
209        *            received from the external system
210        * @param theIncomingMetadata
211        *            Any metadata that accompanies the incoming message. See {@link ca.uhn.hl7v2.protocol.Transportable#getMetadata()}
212        * @param theOutgoingMessage
213        *            the outgoing message. The response NAK message generated by
214        *            HAPI.
215        * @param theE
216        *            the exception which was received
217        * @return The new outgoing message. This can be set to the value provided
218        *         by HAPI in <code>outgoingMessage</code>, or may be replaced with
219        *         another message. <b>This method may not return <code>null</code></b>.
220        */
221       public String processException(String theIncomingMessage, Map<String, Object> theIncomingMetadata, String theOutgoingMessage, Exception theE) {
223          /*
224           * Here you can do any processing you like. If you want to change
225           * the response (NAK) message which will be returned you may do
226           * so, or just return the NAK which HAPI already created (theOutgoingMessage) 
227           */
229          return theOutgoingMessage;
230       }
232    }
234 }