001package ca.uhn.hl7v2.hoh.api;
003public interface IClientSimple extends IClient {
005        /**
006         * If a socket exists and it is connected, closes the socket. Only required
007         * if {@link #isAutoClose() auto close} mode is false
008         */
009        public abstract void close();
011        /**
012         * @return Should the socket auto-close
013         * @see #setAutoClose(boolean)
014         */
015        public abstract boolean isAutoClose();
017        /**
018         * @return Returns true if there is a socket, and it appears to be connected
019         *         and not shut down
020         */
021        public abstract boolean isConnected();
023        /**
024         * <p>
025         * Sets the auto-close property. If set to true (which is the default), the
026         * client will close the socket between each request. If set to
027         * <code>false</code>, the client will keep the socket open between
028         * requests.
029         * </p>
030         * <p>
031         * If auto-close is disabled, sockets will never automatically disconnect,
032         * which some servers may not like. The socket can still be closed by
033         * calling {@link #close()}.
034         * </p>
035         */
036        public abstract void setAutoClose(boolean theAutoClose);